Hiroko Ushida

Spoiled Hingan Brat


Born as the only daughter to a powerful Eastern syndicate leader, Hiroko has known only luxury and praise from the people of the East, and as such has developed the attitude of deserving everything while doing nothing.Armed with that bratty overentitled attitude and an unending supply of Gil, Hiroko has taken to the world to shop, explore, and visit every beach she can.


Hiroko is often described as beautiful young woman, whose delicate features match up almost identically to that of her mother's. It is these very features that make it no surprise why people put up with her sometimes unbearable personality and behavior.Age: 22
Hair color: Raven black
Eye color: crimson red (red limbals)
Piercings: None, but does hang jewelery from her horns at times.
Tattoos: A tattoo of a Scarlet Sun on her upper back, the symbol of the syndicate group of which her mother leads.
Relationship status: Single
Sexuality: RP to find out
Scales: Whitish, closer to her skin tone than their in game bone color.
Tail: Hiroko has a very long tail, easily close to 3/4 of her total height it is always seen wrapped around her waist unless she is swimming.

RP hooks

As a preface from the player to you, Hiroko is a rude brat. Even if you use one of these hooks she will VERY likely continue being just that, and even if she likes you one day she might go on to be rude the very next. That said I welcome any RP that comes my way.Rich brat: Hiroko is immediately noticeable to be a Raen of high birth and considerable wealth. From fine clothes to jewelry the price of some homes, she is a great resource for those looking to make some gil.Scarlet Sun Syndicate: For characters born in the East or who operate with criminals/in the underworld, it is highly likely they have heard of this syndicate, given their operations and harsh cutthroat takeovers/business dealings. If your character is familiar of this syndicate then by either name or looks they will unmistakably be aware that Hiroko is the daughter of the syndicate's leader, albeit not involved in the syndicate herself.Fashionista/Avid shopper: Whether your character is a fellow fashion expert, or a tailor, Hiroko's outfits probably won't go unnoticed for their high quality hand crafted perfection. And if your character is a tailor wishing to make some profits don't be afraid to offer to make Hiroko something to wear, you might even get on her good side.Long tail: As mentioned above, Hiroko has a very long tail, something very abnormal for Auri it's immediately noticeable.Eastern Nobility: Despite the Ushida family name being more often related to the syndicate activity, the family is actual a noble one, and surprisingly fairly well liked due to the efforts of Hiroko's mother. So whether the Ushida's have done deals negatively or positively impacting your character's family I'm open to all options.


First I want to preface by saying, thanks for reading, I hope this gives you an idea of Hiroko, and with all of those details in mind a bit of information to be aware of before you approach- Player is 21+- No IC/OOC. Hiroko is rude and bratty, all RP is IC don't take it OOC even if a scene is purely negative.- Open to connections. If you are interested in being a long time standing guard of Hiroko's, a long time friend, or just someone affiliated in anyway reach out to me and we can work something out.- No ERP tells, and please no trying to toss me into disturbing scenes without prior discussion.- Don't expect a relationship with Hiroko. Hiroko is not imaged as a relationship character, while she might not say no to a date with someone her type, don't go in expected to win her heart.- IMPORTANT Attacks/violence/combat. Now to eliminate any confusion I want to be sure to dedicate a section to this, and ask you please don't over escalate against Hiroko, and please don't just try and attack her without getting consent. Hiroko is very rude most of the time, if your character is prone to just physically attacking people for that purpose be prepared to discuss consequences because if not by the city guard, Roko does have her own personal guards. Ultimately I recommend just asking before hand or avoiding unneeded over escalation all together please.- Hiroko's guards: As a tag onto the previous point, it's worth assuming Hiroko is always guarded by someone. Hiroko does have two actual player guards and is always open to hiring more. That said given IRL and all of that they are not always on with me so if you don't mind use your imagination.